Discover your road to infinite fulfillment.
In today’s society we are pressured into feeling like we are never enough. There is more money to make, greater status to achieve, and more followers to gain, but what we need more than ever is a confidence in our unique purpose and excitement about our chosen lane.
About the book
Learning to stay in our lane is for those who are yearning for more but won’t find it by seeking other lanes. They need to discover, embrace and thrive in their masterfully orchestrated lane.
Why I wrote this book
I wrote Stay In Your Lane after I spent years searching for understanding around my purpose and fulfillment. I knew my soul was craving more in life… but not more possessions or titles… been there, done that and I know where that goes. That led me to a crash and burn.
But even after I dedicated my life to the Lord, I noticed that I was trying to throw all my drive toward “Christian” things… and that still wasn’t the way to life. A simple redirection of the same energy and need to fill voids is not the path toward fulfillment.
What I uncovered is that God has a specific and uniquely designed lane for each of us… a place where we can run our race behind His draft and experience the ease of His leadership and the fulfillment of our purpose.
We have to KNOW the lane He has called us to and STAY in our lane in order to experience this way of life. And my friends, there is so much reward for this effort. I’m convinced it’s the only way to live an abundant life.
I hope you’ll join me on this quest… trust me, it will be worth it.